
Estimating survival and abundance in PyMC

Philip T. Patton

Marine Mammal Research Program

Hawaiʻi Institute of Marine Biology


February 13, 2025

In this notebook, I explore the Jolly-Seber model (technically the JS-Schwarz-Arnason, JSSA or POPAN, parameterization) for estimating survival and abundance using capture recapture data. JSSA is very similar to the CJS framework, except that it also models entry into the population, permitting esimation of the superpopulation size. Like the CJS notebook, I have drawn considerable inspiration from Austin Rochford’s notebook on capture-recapture in PyMC, the second chapter of my dissertation, and McCrea and Morgan (2014).

As a demonstration of the JSSA framework, I use the classic European dipper data of Lebreton et al. (1992). I first convert the dataset into the \(M\)-array, since the data is in capture history format.

%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'

from pymc.distributions.dist_math import factln
from scipy.linalg import circulant

import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import arviz as az
import pymc as pm 
import pytensor.tensor as pt'fivethirtyeight')
plt.rcParams['axes.facecolor'] = 'white'
plt.rcParams['figure.facecolor'] = 'white'
plt.rcParams['axes.spines.left'] = False
plt.rcParams['axes.spines.right'] = False
plt.rcParams[''] = False
plt.rcParams['axes.spines.bottom'] = False

def create_recapture_array(history):
    """Create the recapture array from a capture history."""
    _, occasion_count = history.shape
    interval_count = occasion_count - 1

    recapture_array = np.zeros((interval_count, interval_count), int)
    for occasion in range(occasion_count - 1):

        # which individuals, captured at t, were later recaptured?
        captured_this_time = history[:, occasion] == 1
        captured_later = (history[:, (occasion + 1):] > 0).any(axis=1)
        now_and_later = captured_this_time & captured_later
        # when were they next recaptured? 
        remaining_history = history[now_and_later, (occasion + 1):]
        next_capture_occasion = (remaining_history.argmax(axis=1)) + occasion 

        # how many of them were there?
        ind, count = np.unique(next_capture_occasion, return_counts=True)
        recapture_array[occasion, ind] = count
    return recapture_array.astype(int)

def create_m_array(history):
    '''Create the m-array from a capture history.'''

    # leftmost column of the m-array
    number_released = history.sum(axis=0)

    # core of the m-array 
    recapture_array = create_recapture_array(history)
    number_recaptured = recapture_array.sum(axis=1)

    # no animals that were released on the last occasion are recaptured
    number_recaptured = np.append(number_recaptured, 0)
    never_recaptured = number_released - number_recaptured

    # add a dummy row at the end to make everything stack 
    zeros = np.zeros(recapture_array.shape[1])
    recapture_array = np.row_stack((recapture_array, zeros))

    # stack the relevant values into the m-array 
    m_array = np.column_stack((number_released, recapture_array, never_recaptured))

    return m_array.astype(int)

def fill_lower_diag_ones(x):
    '''Fill the lower diagonal of a matrix with ones.'''
    return pt.triu(x) + pt.tril(pt.ones_like(x), k=-1)

dipper = np.loadtxt('dipper.csv', delimiter=',').astype(int)
array([[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
       [1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
       [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
       [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
       [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]])
dipper_m = create_m_array(dipper)
array([[22, 11,  2,  0,  0,  0,  0,  9],
       [60,  0, 24,  1,  0,  0,  0, 35],
       [78,  0,  0, 34,  2,  0,  0, 42],
       [80,  0,  0,  0, 45,  1,  2, 32],
       [88,  0,  0,  0,  0, 51,  0, 37],
       [98,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, 52, 46],
       [93,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, 93]])

The JSSA model requires modeling the number of unmarked animals that were released during an occasion. We can calculate this using the \(m\)-array by subtracting the number of marked animals who were released from the total number of released animals.

recapture_array = create_recapture_array(dipper)

number_released = dipper_m[:,0]
number_marked_released = recapture_array.sum(axis=0)

# shift number_released to get the years to align   
number_unmarked_released = number_released[1:] - number_marked_released

# add the number released on the first occasion 
number_unmarked_released = np.concatenate(
    ([number_released[0]], number_unmarked_released)

array([22, 49, 52, 45, 41, 46, 39])

Similar to the CJS model, this model requires a number of tricks to vectorize the operations. Many pertain to the distribution of the unmarked individuals. Similar to occupancy notebook, I use a custom distribution to model the entrants into the population. Austin Rochford refers to this as an incomplete multinomial distribution.

n, occasion_count = dipper.shape
interval_count = occasion_count - 1

# generate indices for the m_array  
intervals = np.arange(interval_count)
row_indices = np.reshape(intervals, (interval_count, 1))
col_indices = np.reshape(intervals, (1, interval_count))

# matrix indicating the number of intervals between sampling occassions
intervals_between = np.clip(col_indices - row_indices, 0, np.inf)

# index for generating sequences like [[0], [0,1], [0,1,2]]
alive_yet_unmarked_index = circulant(np.arange(occasion_count))
def logp(x, n, p):
    x_last = n - x.sum()
    # calculate thwe logp for the observations
    res = factln(n) + pt.sum(x * pt.log(p) - factln(x)) \
            + x_last * pt.log(1 - p.sum()) - factln(x_last)
    # ensure that the good conditions are met.
    good_conditions = pt.all(x >= 0) & pt.all(x <= n) & (pt.sum(x) <= n) & \
                        (n >= 0)
    res = pm.math.switch(good_conditions, res, -np.inf)

    return res
# m-array for the CJS portion of the likelihood
cjs_marr = dipper_m[:-1,1:]
array([[11,  2,  0,  0,  0,  0,  9],
       [ 0, 24,  1,  0,  0,  0, 35],
       [ 0,  0, 34,  2,  0,  0, 42],
       [ 0,  0,  0, 45,  1,  2, 32],
       [ 0,  0,  0,  0, 51,  0, 37],
       [ 0,  0,  0,  0,  0, 52, 46]])

Aside from the unmarked portion of the model, the JSSA model is essentially identical to the CJS model above. In this version, I also model survival as time-varying, holding other parameters constant \(p(\cdot)\phi(t)b_0(\cdot)\)

# JSSA produces this warning. it's unclear why since it samples well
import warnings
    message="Failed to infer_shape from Op AdvancedSubtensor"

with pm.Model() as jssa:

    ## Priors
    # catchability, survival, and pent
    p = pm.Uniform('p', 0., 1.)
    phi = pm.Uniform('phi', 0., 1., shape=interval_count)
    b0 = pm.Uniform('b0', 0., 1.)
    # beta = pm.Dirichlet('beta', np.ones(interval_count))
    # # only estimate first beta, others constant
    b_other = (1 - b0) / (interval_count)
    beta = pt.concatenate(
        ([b0], pt.repeat(b_other, interval_count))

    # improper flat prior for N
    flat_dist = pm.Flat.dist()
    total_captured = number_unmarked_released.sum()
    N = pm.Truncated("N", flat_dist, lower=total_captured)

    ## Entry 
    # add [1] to ensure the addition of the raw beta_0
    p_alive_yet_unmarked = pt.concatenate(
        ([1], pt.cumprod((1 - p) * phi))

    # tril produces the [[0], [0,1], [0,1,2]] patterns for the recursion
    psi = pt.tril(
        beta * p_alive_yet_unmarked[alive_yet_unmarked_index]

    # distribution for the unmarked animals
    unmarked = pm.CustomDist(
        'Unmarked captures', 
        psi * p, 

    ## CJS
    # broadcast phi into a matrix 
    phi_mat = pt.ones_like(recapture_array) * phi
    phi_mat = fill_lower_diag_ones(phi_mat) # fill irrelevant values 
    # probability of surviving between i and j in the m-array 
    p_alive = pt.cumprod(phi_mat, axis=1)
    p_alive = pt.triu(p_alive) # select relevant (upper triangle) values
    # p_not_cap: probability of not being captured between i and j
    p_not_cap = pt.triu((1 - p) ** intervals_between)

    # nu: probabilities associated with each cell in the m-array
    nu = p_alive * p_not_cap * p

    # probability for the animals that were never recaptured
    chi = 1 - nu.sum(axis=1)

    # combine the probabilities into a matrix
    chi = pt.reshape(chi, (interval_count, 1))
    marr_probs = pt.horizontal_stack(nu, chi)

    # distribution of the m-array 
    marr = pm.Multinomial(
        n=number_released[:-1], # last count irrelevant for CJS

Figure 1: Visual representation of the JSSA model
with jssa:
    jssa_idata = pm.sample()
Initializing NUTS using jitter+adapt_diag...
Multiprocess sampling (4 chains in 4 jobs)
NUTS: [p, phi, b0, N]
Sampling 4 chains for 1_000 tune and 1_000 draw iterations (4_000 + 4_000 draws total) took 2 seconds.

phi_mle = [0.63, 0.46, 0.48, 0.62, 0.61, 0.58]
p_mle = [0.9]
b0_mle = [0.079]
N_mle = [310]

    figsize=(10, 8),
    lines=[("phi", {}, phi_mle), ("p", {}, [p_mle]), ("N", {}, [N_mle]), ("b0", {}, [b0_mle])] 
Figure 2: Traceplots for the dipper JSSA model. MLEs from the openCR package shown by vertical and horizontal lines.

The traceplots include the maximum likelihood estimates from the model, which I estimated usingthe openCR package in R. Again, there is high level of agreement between the two methods. I plot the survival estimates over time, and the posterior draws of \(N\), \(p\), and \(b\).

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,4))

t = np.arange(1981, 1987)

phi_samps = az.extract(jssa_idata, var_names='phi').values.T
phi_median = np.median(phi_samps, axis=0)

ax.plot(t, phi_median, linestyle='dotted', color='lightgray', linewidth=2)
ax.violinplot(phi_samps, t, showmedians=True, showextrema=False)


ax.set_ylabel(r'Apparent survival $\phi$')
ax.set_title(r'Dipper JSSA')
Figure 3: Violin plots of the posterior for apparent surival over time from the cormorant CJS. Horizontal lines represent the posterior median.
post = jssa_idata.posterior

# stack the draws for each chain, creating a (n_draws, n_species) array 
p_samps = post.p.to_numpy().flatten()
N_samps = post.N.to_numpy().flatten()
b_samps = post.b0.to_numpy().flatten()

# create the plot
fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 4), sharey=True)

# add the scatter for each species
alph = 0.2
ax0.scatter(p_samps, N_samps, s=5, alpha=alph)



ax1.scatter(b_samps, N_samps, s=5, alpha=alph)


fig.suptitle('Dipper JSSA posterior draws')
Figure 4: Posterior draws of \(N,\) \(b_0,\) and \(p\) from the dipper JSSA model.
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The watermark extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
  %reload_ext watermark
Last updated: Thu Feb 13 2025

Python implementation: CPython
Python version       : 3.12.8
IPython version      : 8.31.0

pytensor  : 2.26.4
pymc      : 5.20.0
matplotlib: 3.10.0
scipy     : 1.15.1
numpy     : 1.26.4
seaborn   : 0.13.2
arviz     : 0.20.0

Watermark: 2.5.0


Lebreton, Jean-Dominique, Kenneth P Burnham, Jean Clobert, and David R Anderson. 1992. “Modeling Survival and Testing Biological Hypotheses Using Marked Animals: A Unified Approach with Case Studies.” Ecological Monographs 62 (1): 67–118.
McCrea, Rachel S, and Byron JT Morgan. 2014. Analysis of Capture-Recapture Data. CRC Press.